Neato Vacuum

I had an older Neato Botvac that recently died. The brushless motor that powers the LIDAR it uses for navigation finally wore out. I was really happy with the device and used it regularly for several years. It was time for an upgrade anyway.

Their new Botvacs are all API controlled through a phone app. They provide some tools to access this API which I’m exploring now. Hoping to have something worth uploading “soon”.

In other news - I’m continuing to make small tweaks to fix bugs, add convenience features throughout. I’ve upgraded packages on my running instance and see that Buffer had been deprecated. I finally got around to fixing that.

If you were logging data with PowerView blinds, I’ve changed the schema that may invalidate the states stored. I made this logged schema uniform with Nest and SmartThings for easier parsing by the machine learning.

My next bit of work will be improving AI device controls.

Written on April 11, 2019